Gotta love our court system!

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Gotta love our court system!
Written By: Josh Lowell ~ 10/30/2018

Certainly everyone has their own viewpoint regarding the American court system. But one thing we can all agree upon is that our system can make it easy for people to bring amusing cases. Toward that end, we wanted to share with you a case that was filed in federal court in Southern California. (Where else but Tinseltown would one expect this kind of lawsuit?)

Thomas v Bush, et al. Case No. 11cv2712 WQH-NLS is a case filed by Mia Thomas. She brought her handwritten lawsuit against some 80 defendants - three pages worth of names - not the least of which included: George W. Bush, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Microsoft, Facebook, Queen Elizabeth, Hawaiian Punch, Nestle, Mel Gibson, IHOP, McDonald's, the State of Louisiana, the Vatican and many, many more. One of the thrusts of Ms. Thomas' complaint included the following:

"That all of the defendants have been secretly killing and plotting to kill any American or Foreigner who has tried to expose their plot of building guillotines and gas chambers to drag people out of their homes unsuspectingly and kill them..." Now obviously this individual probably has some mental challenges. Despite there being numerous rules against frivolous cases, judges are frequently reluctant to sanction unrepresented parties for filing ridiculous claims. And such was the case, here. In fact, even if the judge had fined Ms. Thomas, nothing would have been paid. After all, she had filed her lawsuit after obtaining court approval to file it in forma pauperis. In other words, she claimed she was too poor to afford the filing fee; so the court waived it. Fortunately, the court also had the good sense to dismiss the case; suggesting that plaintiff's allegations were "fanciful," "fantastic," and "delusional."

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